fredag 10 september 2010


Becca delade med sig av dom här underbara nyheterna tidigare idag, men jag fick reda på det nyligen. Jag bara totalt flippade ur och slutade andas. Den tredje boken ska heta Tempest! Vad tycker ni?

This past summer, I had a long chat with my agent, and told her I'd written up a daring proposal for a third book in the series, and wanted her to submit it to my editor. I was just as nervous during this submission as I was with HUSH, HUSH, waiting for her answer and fearing she'd hate the proposal...but...she was crazy about it.
And so in August, I began writing TEMPEST, the third installment in the HUSH, HUSH series. I can't say much about it yet, since I'm only about a third of the way through the first draft, but I will say that it's shaping up to be all kinds of things I love: Twisty-turny, full of suspense, a little creepy, and most of all, there are some pretty electric scenes between Patch and Nora.
Hur bra nyheter är inte det här!? Så jäkla glad jag är alltså! Jag vet inte.. jag vet inte vad jag ska ta mig till! Åh, jag blir så glad! Säg vad ni tycker om den här underbara nyheten och läs resten här!

2 kommentarer:

Anna sa...

Tycker också det är sjukt kul att det kommer en tredje bok. :DD

Miriam sa...

Yey!!!! :D <3333