söndag 12 september 2010

Varför Becca valde titeln Tempest.

Vi alla vet ju nu att Becca ska släppa en tredje bok i HH serien och vi vet alla att den ska heta Tempest. Men varför valde hon jut tempest och vad betyder det?

As you might have heard, I announced yesterday that I'll be writing a third book in the HUSH, HUSH series--TEMPEST. I started writing the story in August, and up until a couple of days ago, had no idea what I was going to title the book. I wasn't apprehensive about the lack of a title--I knew I'd come up with something eventually--until my editor emailed last week and said she needed one before the end of September, when she would present the book to the sales force at Simon & Schuster. This deadline got a lot shorter, a lot faster, when my agent emailed on Tuesday of this past week and said she wanted to include the title in her Publishers Marketplace announcement. Yikes! So I spent the week making a list of anything and everything title-wise that came to mind. What could possibly follow CRESCENDO? I wondered. What would a crescendo lead up to? That was key.

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