måndag 13 december 2010

Tredje boken har ny titel!

Becca har nu sagt på sin blogg att den tredje boken kommer inte att heta Tempest. Hon vet inte säkert vad den ska heta än, men lovar att berätta för oss så fort hon bestämt! Ska bli spännande och se vad det blir för något!

''Speaking of this book...it's no longer going to be called TEMPEST. When I came up with the title, I thought it was original and very fitting. Since that time, a lot has happened, including seeing early images of the book's cover. I'm now going to be retitling the book. I have a few ideas, and once I know anything for certain, I'll be sure to announce. For now, I'll be referring to it as Book 3. Which is really lame, yes, and will encourage me to come up with a new title fast! ''

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