lördag 31 juli 2010
Boktips - Water For Elephants av Sara Gruen
Har pratat med Bella och vi har bestämt oss för att ha boktips en gång i veckan. Jag har så många böcker jag vill dela med mig av, så jag tycker det var en toppen ide! Vi tar alltså varannan vecka och den här veckan är det jag som börjar.. So here we go!
Water For Elephants (bröderna benzinis spektakulära cirkusshow) av Sara Gruen.
''Jacob Jankowski pratar sällan om dem, men minnena lever fortfarande inuti hans nittioåriga kropp.
Minnen av honom själv som en ung man, av ödet kastad upp på ett skraltigt tåg som var hem åt Bröderna Benzinis spektakulära cirkusshow.
För Jacob var cirkusen både en räddning och en förbannelse. Han hamnade där av en slump. Föräldralös och utfattig hade hans liv inget mål innnan han slungades med på detta udda tåg, och i början av den stora depressionen var alla i denna tredjeklassens cirkus lyckliga över att ha ett jobb över huvud taget.
Marlena, cirkusens prima ryttarinna, var där för att hon blev kär i fel man, den stilige djurtränaren med ett grymt sinne.
Och elefanten Rosie var där som den nya attraktionen som skulle rädda cirkusen. Men tyvärr hade Rosie inget som attraherade, hon kunde inte ens dresseras. Banden som växte mellan denna osannolika trio var vävda av kärlek och tillit, och var till slut deras enda hopp om överlevnad.''
För er Twihards där ute, så är den där titeln inget nytt eftersom att boken görs till film och Robert Pattinson spelar huvudrollen Jacob Jankowski (Marlena spelas av den otroligt duktiga Reese Witherspoon!!).
Alla möjliga har försökt få mig att läsa den här. Min svenska lärare, min engelska lärare, ett gäng tjejer i min lilla systers klass och förmodligen hälften av alla mina följare på twitter. Det tog mig ett år av tjat från alla (och en bild på Rob som Jacob Jankowski) innan jag reserverade den på biblioteket.
And the verdict? I loved it!
Redan efter prologen är man fångad. Jag blev som trollbunden av språket och de specifika miljöbeskrivningarna.
Den är rolig och ibland skrattar man högt åt något som lilla Walter (som förövrigt är min favorit karaktär) säger. Man kommenterar högt åt vissa grejer för att man blir så frustrerad och ibland är man även på gränsen till tårar.
Det finns nästan inget dåligt man kan säga om den här. Utom att vid några kapitel i mitten blir man lite smått uttråkad, men det stoppar en inte att läsa eftersom att man måste verkligen veta vad som händer i nästa kapitel.
Man kan inte hjälpa att tycka synd om gamla Jacob Jankowski som verkligen avskyr att vara där han är och som är verkar helt förkrossad då han vaknar från en av hans drömmar om sin ungdom.
Haha, jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva, utan att spoila er totalt. Bara läs den, okej?
Intervju med Patch!
What’s your idea of the perfect date?
Patch: I once took a girl to play paintball. I took another for a picnic on the lake. It depends on the girl. I’m more into active dates. I’ll take flag football over watching a movie.
What’s your fixation with redheads?
Patch: All the redheads I’ve ever known are sexy as hell. And Nora tops the list.
Kul att jag är rödhårig då? YES! Perfect.
Fan Art - Your Guardian Angel
Dream Cast - Patch Cipriano
-Patch skulle från början inte vara en fallen ängel! Utan han var bara ''the ultimate bad boy''. Men han hade inte alltid varit någon bad boy, utan hade ''fallit'' från blivit a good boy , to a bad boy!
-Patch's karaktär är mest baserad på en kille som Becca kände förrut
Patch var rätt så svår att föreställa första gången jag läste boken. Jag fick som 10 olika bilder på hur han skulle se ut, men andra gången jag läste den så fick jag en rätt så klar bild.
Han beskrivs som väldigt mörk. Svart hår, svarta ögon, svarta kläder, skinnjacka - and so on.
Om nu Hush Hush skulle bli en film (något dom inte har planer på!), så skulle jag lätt välja att Matt Lanter ska spela Patch. Jag vet jätte många som är på min sida när det gäller det här (bla. good choice reading som praktiskt taget BAD till Becca att hush hush skulle bli film, så hon skulle få se Matt som Patch!) och jag hoppas att ni också är det!
Däremot, varje gång vi har Dream Cast här på bloggen så väljer jag alltid två olika karaktärer. SÅ, utom Matt Lanter, så tycker jag att Ethan Peck skulle kunna fixa rollen som Patch. Ni som har sett TV serien 10 things I hate about you vet vad jag menar!
Dream Cast - Vee Sky.
Rolig fakta:
-Vee är baserad på Beccas bästa vän som hon hade i High School.
-Hon är Beccas favorit karaktär.
-Vee var från början med i Cheer laget på skolan, tillsammans med Nora.
Vee hade jag inte sådär jätte problem att föreställa mig hur hon såg ut. Jag ser bara Anna Kendrick (fast blond!) som är mest känd för sin roll som Jessica Stanley i Twilight filmerna. Jag kan även tänka mig Hayden Panettiere som Vee, men Anna är fortfarande first choice för mig!
Dream Cast - Nora Grey.
- Nora skulle först vara väldigt arrogant och självupptagen, och nästan lite som Patch. Becca själv säger att Nora var alldeles för mycket som Patch när hon först började med boken.
- Hon hette först Noelle, inte Nora.
- Då Becca började skriva Hush Hush , så var Nora och Vee med i cheerleading laget i skolan.
Så, vilken skådespelare skulle passa som Nora? Well, jag har några in mind, men jag har svårt att hitta min perfekta Nora! Det är något om henne, som gör att jag blir onöjd med alla jag hittar! Men dom här är so close!
Vi tycker: Emma Roberts, Willa Holland, eller Lucy Hale! Emmy Rossum, som är en av Beccas favoriter, är helt perfekt också, men hon är för gammal. Och Leighton Meester är också en av Beccas favoriter men jag ser Leighton bara som Blair i Gossip Girl, tyvärr. Men en ung Emmy Rossym med en liten röd nyans i håret skulle ha varit perfekt alltså!
Frågor och Svar från chatten!
Frågor och Svar från Beccas Live Chat!
From danijohnsdanijohns:
Becca what was your inspiration for Crescendo?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Um...HUSH, HUSH ;)Okay, serious answer now: As with HUSH, HUSH, I relied a lot on my own high school experiences. In fact, I robbed a couple experiences from my own life, and made them more interesting of course ;)At my junior prom...well, do you want to hear the quick-and-dirty story of my junior prom and how it relates to Crescendo, haha!I was in LOVE with this guy since seventh grade. But he didn't know I was alive (of course) and then, FINALLY, my junior year of high school...he asked me to PROM. YAY!And then my archenemy, who was of course beautiful and popular, asked my date to dance. Multiple times. All through the PROM. And he was a nice guy, and didn't turn her down (or at least that's what I tell myself to feel better!)While writing Crescendo, I used the feelings I felt that night to keep myself in the story. Especially while writing things between Patch, Nora and Marcie.
From Eva:
Any chance u would do a book that talks about patches life pre-nora
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Oooh, so glad you asked that! There's an antho of story stories from several YA authors coming out this July called Kiss Me Deadly aaand...
I've written a short story for it. Patch is there, and so is Chauncey! And a few love interests... And it def. takes place pre-Nora (1800s)
JennM (FallenArchangel):
Lots of questions about the possibility of a HH movie!!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
So, yes. I get asked, "When is the movie coming out?!" all the time. Here's my official answer ;)
I've had a few movie offers. I haven't accepted any of them. I'm not sure how I feel about a movie. I know it brings a lot of good publicity...but...Well, I'm just not sure I want HH made into a movie. I KNOW! I know. My agent and publisher would both love it if a movie was made...but for the time being, I am content to keep the story as a book
From cristina:
when did patch first met nora? was it love at first sight?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Well, the first time they actually "met" was in the first chapter of HH. But he'd been looking for her long before that...as soon as he'd figured out she was Chauncey's female descendant. So, yes, he saw her before she saw him.And, no. Definitely not love at first sight. At that point, he was actually planning to kill her...Naughty Patch.
From danijohns:
What was your favorite book growing up? What book do you wish was around when you were younger?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Oh, such a good question! Back when I was a teen (haha! I hate saying that! I sound so old!) the YA section wasn't anything like it is today. So mostly I read classics. Or John Grisham :)My favorite books were Wuthering Heights and Phantom of the Opera. I <3>
From Elise:
Who did you dedicate Cresendo to in the book?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
HAHA! Okay, I could tell...but it would ruin a huge, fun surprise I've been keeping! I will say that the dedication has the word "superpowers" in it! Oooh..
From Katie Elizabeth:
How many books are you planning to write for the Hush, Hush series?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
ACK! I wish I could say more than I actually can ;)Two for sure... Two including CrescendoZipping my lips now ;)
From Amy:
What does Cresendo mean? also how do you pronounce it?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
It's pronounced kri-shen-doh. And it means (copying this from dictionary.com):a steady increase in force or intensity: The rain fell in a crescendo on the rooftops.
(I svenskan har den samma handling som franskan har!: It's a music term (at least in french), it's used when the melody goes from soft to louder or the rythm accelerates)
From Eva:
What r books you would recommend to fans oh HH?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Books! YAY! Fallen Archangel is putting up a bookshelf on their site soon of books I recommend. But for now, I HIGHLY recommend:HEX HALL by Rachel HawkinsSISTERS RED by Jackson Pearce (it just came out today, I believe!)THE DEMON'S LEXICON by Sarah Rees Brennan (it has a bad boy named Nick who is very yum, yum!) BLEEDING VIOLET by Dia ReevesWhat else...do you want more? If you're looking for more paranormal love stories:THE DARK DIVINE by Bree Despain. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margie Stohl Sarah Dessen...anything from her...
From Lah:
Any chance of having Hush, Hush of patch's point of view?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Ha! From Patch's point of view...Probably not. You guys...it's HARD to write from his POV. He's a witty, snarky guy...but he's also very dark. I've tried writing pieces from his point of view, and it makes me feel...oh man...looking for the right word. Let's just say I don't think I could do a whole novel from his point of view. The short story I wrote for Kiss Me Deadly is a bit darker, and from Chauncey's POV, and that's about as dark as I want to go.Yes, Patch is funny and charming with Nora...but his past isn't quite so light. And that's something he can never let go of. And, yeah. I'm going on for quite a bit here.
From Katie Elizabeth:
Random question: If you were Nora, what would your look on Patch be?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Good question. I think HH goes through how Nora feels about Patch...disgust at first...then wariness mixed with interest...then undeniable attraction...And by the end of the book, I think most readers feel pretty secure about their relationship.But...Crescendo brings some pretty big surprises and challenges, and I think Nora realizes pretty fast that she doesn't know Patch as well as she thinks...
Ashley Austin:
Becca, when you wrote Hush,Hush and Cresendo, did you write them in order or did you skip around and write some parts that take place later in the book first?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
I skipped around a little bit with HH, but Crescendo was mostly linear. Actually, HH was mostly linear, too, but the one scene where Coach asks Nora to name characteristics she'd want in a mate was one of the first scenes I wrote (and it isn't at the very beginning).
Ashley Austin:
Becca, if Patch joined us on this chat tonight what do you think he would have to say to all of us?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
He would probably say something that would make me roll my eyes...as he tends to do often!
From Bru:
For anyone starting a career as a writer, what are your tips?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Oh, wow. Tips for writers... I did everything wrong...but I did learn a lot from that. Still, I would suggest doing everything RIGHT, if possible1. Write the book before you submit to agents/publishers2. Write the best query letter you possibly can (and have tough people critique it)3. Don't say bad things about other writers online (fortunately, this is NOT a mistake I made, but see others make...)4. Be persistent. I've said this before, but I received nearly 100 rejection letters for HH over a 5-yr span. I'm so glad I didn't give up easily.And yes, don't write bad things about agents/editors!
From Katie Elizabeth:
Becca, are you having fun answering all of your fans' questions?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Katie! Laughing! YES! You guys are fun. And if I wasn't doing this, I'd probably be changing a diaper...
From Autumn:
Did you enjoy writing HH or C more?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Ooh, awesome and tough question! Well...as any writer knows...there are always good things and bad things about EVERY novel. I thought writing Crescendo would be easy. After all, I'd already written a novel, right? I knew EVERYTHING. And then my editor called (after I'd initially turned Crescendo in) and said, I kid you not: "Everything after page 25 needs to go." And this was a 400+ page book. I wrote HH on and off for five years. I had 1 year to write Crescendo. I felt like I was on crack.I was so scared. I was like...dude...and I never say dude.
From Elise:
Becca which version of Crescendo do you like better, your first origal draft that the editor tossed or this final version?
Becca Fitzpatrick:
I think Patch was more funny-sexy in the first draft. The new draft is far more angsty and intense and broiling-sexy. So it really depends what mood I'm in. Am I in the mood for light...or dark ;)
From HushHushSweden:
How did you come up with the name Patch? :)
Becca Fitzpatrick:
I never know how to answer this question! I can't remember when, exactly, I came up with his nickname. It was the name he showed up with on day one. It wasn't until later, as I was figuring out the whole story, that I decided Rixon had given it to him because Patch was always needing to be "patched" up after fights. And, yes, you WILL find out Patch's real name in Crescendo! I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of it!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
So surprise time! I have 2 signed copies of the HH paperback I want to give away! And I want to personalize them!!
JennM (FallenArchangel): LOL so sit tight guys and get ready for Becca to ask a question and the first one to correctly answer wins a copy!!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Question #1: What kind of CAR does Patch drive? And you must be specific!
From Katie Elizabeth:
jeep comander
JennM (FallenArchangel):
Yay Katie!!!!!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
YAY! Congrats, Katie Elizabeth!!!!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Question #2: In Chapter One of CRESCENDO, what does Patch give to Nora (while they are making out in his Jeep Commander)? (Had to throw making out in somewhere!)
From HushHushSweden:
his necklace
Becca Fitzpatrick:
JennM (FallenArchangel):
YAY Hush Hush Sweden!!!!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Congrats, HUSHHUSHSweden!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Okay, guys, THANK YOU so much for coming tonight! You're always so much fun! And thanks to our special authorly guests, Sarah Rees Brennan and Christine Johnson!
Becca Fitzpatrick:
Haha! Thanks for being so awesome, you guys! I'm so glad so many people came out!